BSC Groups

We were not made to live life alone.God created us for community, and these smaller settings provide safe places for you to connect with others, share experiences, grow in faith together, and help one another walk in how God sees you.

We have two types of groups at Boulder Street Church:

Community Groups

Community Groups meet monthly in homes to share a meal, have intentional conversations, and pray and worship together. Discipleship is vital to our spiritual journey. We believe personal transformation happens in the context of relationships and that healthy friendships encourage us to experience the full life God intends for us. Community groups aid in this process. We hope that these groups grow together over time and begin to serve the city together, celebrate one another, and sharpen each other as we aim to follow Jesus.

Connect Groups

Connect Groups are designed for just that, connection. Friendship is often built around a season of life or common interest. These are Jesus-centered gatherings based on shared interests to allow members to grow in faith and friendship by engaging in meaningful activities that draw them closer to God and each other.

Whether in living rooms, coffee shops, dorm rooms, or wherever people gather, we want our BSC Groups to be a way of life.