Joseph’s Letter

A few years ago it was shared with me that a leader who does not raise up their replacement has failed in ministry. That jolted my heart, and I began to seek the Lord about who would take over as Lead Pastor at BSC after I retired. The elders began to seek the Lord too. 

A short time later, in God's perfect timing, Dan and Amy Perkins joined our community. Paula and I, along with the entire BSC Eldership team, Jack and Terri Brown (our Prophetic leaders), and Alemu and Genet Beeftu (our Apostolic leaders) are excited to announce that on January 22, 2023 the Perkins will be stepping in as lead pastors of Boulder Street Church. We are convinced that the Perkins are Father’s choice as our successors. Our entire Eldership is joyful, peaceful, and united about Dan and Amy’s promotion. They are both ordained as seasoned leaders and have ministered together for over 20 years. We are blessed that the Lord brought them to BSC. As the Perkins step into the lead pastors' role, I will be transitioning to a new position as Pastor of Strategic Prayer and Evangelism.

The vision remains that Boulder Street Church will be a growing, healthy, Spirit-filled community fueled by worship, prayer, and intimacy that impacts the generations in the city, county, and globe. We all long to be a people of HIS presence, and in this new season that is coming we will continue this glorious pursuit!

Joseph & Paula Winger

Cheyenne Raine

Cheyenne Raine is a designer and developer located in Texas. Along with her business partner, Theresa Ressa, Raine curates websites, marketing materials, and brand identities from a sustainable and data-driven mindset.

Dan and Amy Perkins